Tooth removal/ tooth extraction – The surgical extraction of teeth is safer and cures faster than a simple tooth removal.

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Dr. Máriási Béla

The removal of teeth / the extraction of teeth

In many cases, problems caused by neglected and decayed teeth can only be solved by the extraction of teeth. Infection from a necrosed tooth may spread on the root apex and the periapical bone causing an inflammation as a result of which the tissue surrounding the bone gets swollen, the tooth gets detached and may react painfully to touch. Inflammation around the teeth in the upper jaw can spread on the facial cavity causing sinusitis. If the inflammation is chronic and an abscess can be seen around the root apex in the X-ray, the only solution is the removal of the tooth.

Sometimes even the removal of a healthy tooth becomes necessary:
  • third molar
  • wedged in canine
  • irregular position of a tooth
  • very loose tooth
  • because of an orthodontic treatment

The removal of a tooth is always preceded by an examination and an X-ray. The dentist decides if the patient needs only a simple tooth removal or an operative intervention on the basis of the X-ray.

Simple removal of teeth, tooth extraction

The procedure is carried out under local anesthetic (2% Lidocain). After the dentist made sure the operational area is numb, he gently separates the gum from the tooth with a turret in order to prevent damages to the mucous membrane. Then, he removes the tooth by forceps. If the tooth is inflamed the removal of the inflamed tissue from the wound cavity is also necessary.

Surgical removal of teeth, operative tooth extraction

An operative intervention must be carried out if the decay has damaged the dental neck or the crown, since in this case the forcesps would crack the tooth. Furthermore, such a procedure is inevitable for example if the tooth is multirooted or the apex is everted; in the case of a wedged in wisdom tooth; if the roots of the upper molars are too close to the facial cavity to avoid the risk of the fracture of the cavity structure. The procedure is carried out under local anesthetic (2% Lidocain). After separating the gum from the tooth by creating a flap, the bone around the root is removed by a chisel, then the tooth is extracted. The inflamed tissue is also removed from the wound cavity. The next step is to adjust the rough surface of the bone in the tooth socket by ribblers. Finally, the edges of the wound are joined and the operational area is closed by a suture.

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Contact: H-9025, Győr Kereszt u. 3-5. Mobile: +36-30-9943745 Fax: 00-36-96-517995
E-mail: uh.sissalc@adori