Ceramic veneers
Ceramic veneers - Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are extremely popular nowadays since they provide a long lasting natural esthetic effect with little tooth reshaping. In preparation for veneer placement, the tooth to recieve the veneer is recontoured. Usually, between 0.5 - 1 mm of tooth surface is removed, then an impression is taken of the tooth, which is sent to the laboratory for veneer fabrication. The veneer is cemented during the following appointment.
Direct veneer
The direct veneer is a special veneer fabricated directly inside your mouth by the dentist, who places multiple laminates rather than a single one. The dentist uses special filling materials. One of the most important advantages of direct veneers is that they require little tooth reshaping. In addition, unlike ceramic veneers, they can be fabricated in a single session, more than one at a time if needed. Direct veneers are less likely to get damaged than ceramic veneers, plus they can easily be readjusted in shape and colour. Finally, since they do not require a laboratory background, they are less expensive.
Front teeth play a prominent role in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are ideal for making changes to the shape and/ or colour of your front teeth. As the filling materials are available in a variety of colours, veneers provide a more natural look than filling materials in the past.
Ideal ranges of application:
- enamel defects, tooth decay and discolouration of the tooth substance
- traumas: incisal edge fracture
- chipping of incisal edges
- discolouration following root canal treatment
- irregular position of teeth
- eneven tooth alignment or spacing
- axial deviation correction without orthodontics
However, veneers are not recommended if the front teeth are heavily injured, in the case of poor oral hygiene, clenching and grinding of teeth, occlusal disharmonies or night bruxism.